Die Lieferung von Ersatzteilen und Restbeständen übernimmt die
Firma "Hightech in Feinblech Klaus Riedel GmbH".
Für Auskünfte und Beratung ist Herr Klaus Riedel unter der bekannten Mail Adresse oder unter der Nummer 015773020300 weiterhin zu erreichen.

START - About us

The name Riedel has stood for quality and punctuality for decades. In 1867, master blacksmith Gottlieb Riedel opened a metalworking workshop and since then this tradition has been kept and is now in the fifth generation. When, after the political turnaround in 1989, it was finally possible to invest in our handicraft businesses, we were there from the very beginning.

Our Products

The >Riedel-Ring< - Thermal pressure plate

A newly developed Aid for Attaching Stoma Base Plates


New developed tool for cutting STOMA base plates